High-Quality Products Purrfect for Cat Lovers Everywhere
Our Cat Loving Merchandise Store, Pawz Chic
At Pawz Chic, we aim to improve the quality time you spend with your cats and our products are tried and tested to make you love your cats even more! In line with our commitment to caring for animals, 5% of your purchase is donated to help homeless animals.
Our Pawz Chic Cat Loving Gift Store
Our Evanston Cat Care Services, Service Area & Contact Form
Our tailor-made service is designed with your busy schedule in mind.
Our Pet-tastic Cat
Care Service Area
We provide services for Evanston and the surrounding area.
Contact Us for a
Paw-tastic Cat Sitter
Getting started is easy. Contact us through our Contact Form and we'll schedule a complimentary meet and greet.