Did you know that at least one-third of the world’s population own cats? There are over 85 million cats in the world’s households today. Those are impressive numbers, but not surprising since the cat is one of the most beloved and honored family pets.
Archeologists are finding the remains of human bones buried with their cats over nine thousand years ago. Felines became domesticated as far back as twelve thousand years ago. Don’t you think that it is about time that the cats of this world had their memorable holiday?
International Cat Day was started in the year 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. This animal welfare league is one of the largest nonprofit groups in the world, helping the feline populace.
While all pets and animals are vital to families, it is the felines’ turn for distinct recognition. This fantastic group of volunteers felt it was time to celebrate cats. They promote learning about our little furry feline friends, the specifics of cat care, and how society can support cats in loving ways.
Thus, the 8th of August is the date set aside for feline lovers across the globe to celebrate the cats’ lives. This unique celebration takes place in many different creative ways and is only limited by your imagination and helpful hints by a leading cat sitting agency.
What is the Purpose of Celebrating International Cat Day?
International Cat Day promotes in-depth learning about our little furry feline friends. Giving felines the recognition they so much deserved was long overdue. Listed are ways in which you can celebrate International Cat Day.
As an added thought, cats understand a whole lot more than you may give them credit for, so explain to them that a celebration of their life is just around the corner and has gone international. Explain to them what you could do for them on their special day.
How to Celebrate International Cat Day
Remember that this is an actual holiday, so start the day on the 8th of August, giving your kitty a bunch of fresh catnip. If you cannot get a fresh supply, a high-quality store-bought catnip will please them just fine. Be sure to lay out some treats in a few different places that they enjoy lying around the house.
Aside from catnip and your furry baby’s favorite treats, there are many creative ways to celebrate your cat and felines in general. Consider a few of the following methods to celebrate International Cat Day.
Shower them with gifts such as the following.
- If you are not a cat owner, but have a friend who has beloved cats, consider picking up a gift basket for this furry friend. Fill their basket with bright toys that jingle.
- Accessories like a brush and Aloe pet wipes
- A few cans of their favorite food, a package of their favorite dry food
- A container of catnip.
- A new pet bed or cat seat, or tower
- A set of new dishes (Remember that if you purchase a water bowl or feed bowl, they have wide rims as this helps to decrease spillage.)
- A fresh flow water fountain
- A new tasteful, fashionable collar
- A prepaid gift certificate at their vets
Become involved with your city’s Humane Society or Animal Shelter. These agencies badly need volunteers. If you do not own a cat, but think you would like to adopt a deserving cat, two are better than one because they keep each other busy. If you cannot donate time, seriously consider donating money regularly. These shelters often find themselves underfunded.
Gift someone a day or two days of service from a quality cat sitting agency. Know that not all cat sitters are equal. You would never leave your children with a babysitter who is inadequate. The same holds for your furry babies. These gifts come in handy if you plan a brief get-a-way, but do not want to leave the kitty alone.
By hiring a qualified cat sitter, clients honor their beloved pet by ensuring they get the very best care while they are away. We excel in our unique expertise as cat-sitting professionals in Evanston, Illinois, and surrounding areas. We understand these remarkable animals.
Show your kitty how much you love them and enjoy their presence in your home. Talk to your cat and believe that they understand what you say more than you think when you explain what they did to deserve all the special attention.