Nobody knows who created National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day but, on January 22, are you prepared to answer any and all questions posed by your cat? Just like humans, cats don’t know why they engage in certain odd behaviors or feel compelled to act out of character. But where can they find answers to vexing questions? Their humans, of course!
We’ve compiled a list of possible questions your cat or clowder of cats might ask you on National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day. Be aware that we’ve heard anecdotes about cats waking up their humans at two minutes after midnight on January 22 (paw pats hitting your closed eyes, loud meows, jumping on your stomach), so we advise you to prepare in advance for a day of intense interrogation!
Why Do I Eat Grass? Why Do I Throw Up After Eating Grass?
Carnivores like cats don’t need to eat plants for nutritional purposes. In fact, cats lack the enzymes necessary to digest plant material. They instinctively know they will throw up if they eat grass since their digestive system can’t digest grass. Veterinarians think cats eat grass to deliberately throw up hairballs or whatever is making their stomach feel queasy. Feral cats have been observed eating a lot of grass to get rid of undigestable material like feathers or small bones they’ve consumed.
Why Does Catnip Make Me Act Crazy?
Catnip contains a plant chemical called nepetalactone. When a cat gets just one whiff of catnip, the chemical triggers the release of endorphins, which makes cats feel immediately blissful. Within about 15 minutes, the initial invigorating effect of catnip subsides, leaving you with a mellow, sleepy-eyed cat. If your cat isn’t turned on by catnip, don’t worry. Some cats simply don’t carry the catnip “gene” necessary for the activation of endorphin release.
Why Do I Chase “Ghosts”?
Indoor cats are famous for suddenly acting like their possessed–running at full speed from one room to another, stopping abruptly to stare at something we can’t see, then zooming to another area of their home. When there is nothing medically wrong with a zooming cat, such as a bad flea infestation or mild dementia in older cats, chasing ghosts is just a way for cats to exercise and play after sleeping 10 straight hours. Remember, your cat’s ancestors spent their nights either chasing and hunting prey, or fleeing other carnivores to avoid being their prey. So, if your cat has a case of the “zoomies” at night, he’s behaving according to how his instincts tell him to behave.
Why Do I Sleep ALL the Time?
Animals that are most active at night and at dawn are crepuscular animals. Opossums, bats, foxes, and all felines are examples of crepuscular animals. That’s why cats spend most of the day sleeping, waking up for a few minutes to use the litter box, eating a bite of kibble, and changing their sleeping location. Also, cats aren’t always in a deep sleep during the day. Those times you’ve seen your cat sitting in a loaf with partially closed eyes and a slightly twitching tail indicates a “cat-napping” condition. In other words, they may appear to be sound asleep but, in reality, they are keenly aware of everything around them and alert enough to spring into action if necessary.
What Do I Think I’m Doing When I Chatter at Birds Outside the Window?
Nobody knows for sure why cats chatter, chirp, and make clicking throat noises at birds they observe from their favorite window ledge.But, of course, there are theories about this often comical behavior. Chattering at birds could indicate a cat that really wants to chase birds but is frustrated by the window. Or, chattering cats are just so pumped up with adrenaline at the thought of hunting that bird just within claw range. A more scientific explanation involves the instinct to prepare the jaws for enacting a swift kill-bite by rapidly moving and keeping the jaws in “ready” mode.
Don’t forget that February is National Cat Health Month!